WOW! Standing ovation here! I think this is just phenomenal!

There are lots of things about your music that I find impressive! Your vocals (alone and combined) are a joy to listen to... But what really impresses me is the fact that your songs always sound original, not like a remix of something we've all heard before. Not only your chord patterns, but your melodies are so very interesting, even before you start layering those lush harmonies that I love to hear!

Your songs remind me of those created by people like the Beatles, Elton John, and other accomplished song writers. I hope you are doing everything in your power to get your music out where people of influence can hear it.

Above and beyond the music is your consistently tasteful video accompaniment. Your combined sensibilities have worked together to identify and capture some magical element, and you know how to weave the sorcery into every song you write. All I can say is, keep on doing whatever it is you're doing, because it works!