Originally Posted By: Ember - PG Music
Absolutely beautiful! I imagined a lovely lilac colour and rain. It was oddly soothing and had me swaying in my seat. I wasn't expecting it to pick up, but I was glad it did. Nice flashes of magenta sprang in to view when that happened. A+!

I will have to look in to this documentary! Though here's something cool you may not have known: there is a condition called synesthesia that basically causes the senses to overlap. So people can see colours or taste different flavours when they hear sounds, or another example — specific colours have flavours! It's a rather fascinating condition that many actually consider a gift. It inspires lots of people to become musicians and artists all around the world.

Thanks for sharing!

Thanks Ember for checking out the song. That's interesting your comments in the synethesia condition I think Jimi's condition came from the ingredients in the sugar cube or blotter paper he had ingested. :-) . I when I play when everything is set right the music to me has a shape When I try to describe it the notes feel 3 dimensional and round Not flat with an edge to it