
Could you please check out the link below. Is this what you mean when you say Tone 6 pod device? (I looked up the ASIO driver you had in the images you uploaded and linked to Dropbox a few posts above.)

If so, I notice that this hardware recommends Windows XP and Vista. I seem to recall somewhere that you are using Windows 10. This might also be part of the problem.

My Audigy soundcard that I referred to in my earlier post worked fine when I ran Windows Vista. I then changed to Windows 7 and although it interfaces with software, the interface is unstable. Audigy stopped producing ASIO drivers after Vista. It is for this reason that I have not loaded Windows 10. I didn't want to lose the ability to use the card. If you are using Windows 10, that could also be part of your problem.

In relation to using your device with MME, try it and see what happens. It may lag and this might be an issue. Until you test run it, though, we won't know. Also, ASIO4ALL might be sufficient to drive it.

Before playing around with the hardware, though, you need to get Powertracks up and running correctly. Once that's achieved, only then plug in the hardware and work on that.

Begin solving the problem by working through the tests in my previous post.


Audiophile BIAB 2024