Originally Posted By: Pat Marr

As I write this you're on your way to NC and I think you must have brought the rain with you... the bottom dropped out about an hour ago and put down so much that I got water in the basement (that has never happened before)

Anyway, I always like the way you add your own playing to create a hook.. it gives all your songs a personal touch and a unique sound .

Your songs are consistently among my favorites here on the forum, and I thank you for helping to keep the rest of us inspired!
Pat, Thank you for all support, Tom
Originally Posted By: animarorecords
Hello, Tom

The guitar phrasing at Intro that comes out many times is super cool.
It is a very catchy melody that attracts attention of the listeners.
Your vocals and guitar playing are superb as usual.

By the way, I tried to drink your bourbon recommendation-Elijah Craig.
It (12 years old) was very very splendid.
Thank you so much for your teaching it to me.
I thought that it might taste like Wild Turkey a little.

Very enjoyable listen.
Best regards.

Shigeki Adachi
Shigeki, Thank you for your comments. Glad you enjoyed the bourbon. Tom