
There is something so implacably swinging about a gypsy jazz rhythm that my heart wants to beat to it! I feel silly sitting down listening to it when I know I should be up on my feet dancing to it.

I don't speak French, so I cut and pasted your lyrics into a French-to-English translator on the Internet, which hinted at, but didn't completely make sense of them.

Would you know of a translation website that could more cleanly interpret your lyrics? If not, could you post them here, in English?

Regardless, it was clear that you were telling a story worth listening to!



P.S. After "Le Guitariste" I listened to "Always Looking for the Blue Note" and "Slow Waltz for A Piano". Your style of jazz composition and performing is atmospheric and wistful, as though they were little musical dramas. Short, sweet, and swinging!

Last edited by bluage; 07/28/17 08:57 PM.

"Music is what feelings sound like."-- borrowed from a Cakewalk Music Creator forum member, "Mamabear".