Great article (or blog) Bob,

a well thought out piece, you turned someone on to BIAB,

that's great. I don't understand why there's still a lot of resistance

by musicians to check out this program. Most everyone nowadays

uses drum loops or midi drums, we've got so much more with BIAB,

as for writing, I always have a story in my head, how can I tell the story

if I don't know it myself, I've been surprised at co-writing attempts when

the other person didn't know what their song was about or where it was going.

Sometimes there are nice surprises but still...

now I'm just going on...

having said that, I do believe there's a million ways to write a song

whoever has good tools in their writing tool box, they're gonna come up

with something

enjoyed this a lot


Last edited by 44kfl; 08/05/17 09:01 AM.