I've only been using BIAB for a couple months now and I do not have the full version yet. I am working with the 2011 version with the Country Real Pak Vol. 1 add on. I feel a bit limited with what I have at the moment but I can see the potential of what I can do with BIAB. I plan on getting the full version in January but as for now here is my take on it.

I am currently putting together an album of original songs that have a outlaw country feel to them. I would never have been able to do this on my own without BIAB as I don't play many of the instruments that I wanted to use to give it an authentic country sound. I have played the instrumentals I created for the bass player in my band and he is amazed by the quality that you can get form BIAB real tracks. He has sent me instrumentals to write to before that he produced using samples and MIDI. They sound good but the BIAB tracks sound more natural and the quality is better. He is envious of what I have been able to do in such a short time with BIAB and says that he hates and loves it at the same time. He will probably be a BIAB user in the near future (I'm quite sure of it.)

As far as making modern sounding music with BIAB I believe that it will be possible when I purchase the full version. I may have to add in some MIDI and VST instruments to get the drums and synths needed to make a modern pop hit but I believe that all the basics needed can be found here in BIAB. I look forward to challenging myself to use the program to it's fullest extent and seeing what I can come up with.

Samuel Davis Jr
BIAB 2018 + Cubase + Ignite
