Originally Posted By: CoolBreeze
Depending on who you ask, I'd like to think I can program, and I have worked in the past as a developer/tester.

[quote=VideoTrack] He wrote this article - a long time ago now. It's great advice and this advice is still current.

The thing I discovered a long time ago, and is still true today, is that although those Pascal Objects look pretty, they don't behave the same as the other components in the system. Like for instance in RB where the scroll wheel on my mouse decides to have a mind of its own. Yeah I could probably find some adjustments to make, but that is just the first clue that some other things might be different or quirky. You can call it "Modern" all you want, sort of like calling BB lite pro, is still not going to make it so.
Originally Posted By: VideoTrack

I've been using Delphi since 1995 and I'm wondering if you can fill me in on what exactly these "Pascal Objects" are that you are referring to?