I have a very similar situation right now. I'm working out of BIAB, have volumes, setting, tracks exactly the way I want them. I just want to fix a couple bars on one track. So, in BIAB, I freeze the tracks, save the .SGU file and open it in RB. So far so good. I fix the couple bars on the one track (love this selective regen/multiriff capability btw). Now, the difference is I want to save that .SGU and re-open in BIAB (rather than gen the wav from RB...I have a legitmate reason for doing that...short term at least). When I re-open the file in BIAB, my saved volumes/settings are gone. Is there a proper way to save and get the .SGU from RB into BIAB which keeps those settings in tact? I've been using BIAB on/off for ~2 years, but last night was my first foray into RB. Thanks in advance.

Band In A Box Windows 2018 Ultra Pak
Windows 2007 x64