Originally Posted By: Al-David
Hi Robert,

A few quick comments. I listened to this a couple of days ago as I was coming down with the flu but got to feeling so bad I just signed off the computer and went to bed. Still feeling horrible but don't want to get too far behind on listens, particularly with all the Christmas songs being posted.

This song, in verse and music, is so real and heartfelt. I'm sure your mum would be pleased as could be. The cathartic release of such a personal song can be its own reward. But the rest of us are also blessed with this. Thank you for that. Merry Christmas.


That`s very kind Alan; I`m glad you were able to have a listen and wish you a speedy recovery.
Merry Christmas to you.


Originally Posted By: bluage
Dear "Robertkc"

The lyrics for "To Lose Them All Again" are evocative in the sheer richness of the poetry exposed through them, and therefore striking in their imagery. I know nothing about Alzheimer's disease, but if the texture of memories lost and found could be captured in words, I'd say you translated them in the most purely emotional way possible in the context of a song.

I'm curious to know which came first: the music, or the lyrics? The style you used, _RITUAL.STY (Ritual Deep Folk Groove) moves the song along like the past into the future, and your voice is as gentle and pining as a child waiting for someone to escort him home.

"To Lose Them All Again" was a sensitive and time-distilling thing to listen to, sir.


Hi Loren,
The lyrics came first on this. I like that BiaB style - more folk rock than country and,as you say, it moves along nicely.
Your comment about my vocal is so true... aren`t all men still boys sometimes when they think of their mums?
Your listen and thoughtful review is most appreciated.
