Still interested in knowing what your music background is. People with some theory background tend to use phrases that are inherent to that knowledge, like telling someone "A major chord is 1-3-5."

To which the student asks "What's a 3? What's a 5? For that matter what's a 1?" If the student doesn't know a keyboard and where the half steps and whole steps are about, the next question is usually "When do I use the black keys?" Or in this specific example "What do you mean C?"

When you say you are a newbie, a newbie to music overall or a newbie to this software? To ask someone to sit down at the chord chart page and "Enter your chord progression here" would be met with a blank stare if they know zero about music and chords. A good number of people write lyrics beautifully but have no musical knowledge to take those lyrics and apply them to a melody to turn them into a song.

So please share with us a little about your background. We are pretty friendly overall and very willing to help but we have to know what "language" to speak in.

Last edited by eddie1261; 12/21/17 09:53 AM.

I am using the new 1040XTRAEZ form this year. It has just 2 lines.

1. How much did you make in 2023?
2. Send it to us.