Sam you're up late tonight . . . or you got up real early. I put a 4 bar instrumental bridge in between v2 & 3 - piano - not quite strong enough I guess. Not sure if moving up a 3rd would be handled by my voice - it's a good idea and I've used in a couple of tunes lately. Thanks for the suggestions. By the way - what genre would you put this song in??

Noel How does Sunday look?? Quite an analysis - must have taken some time. Originally I had wanted to put a verbal hook in that 2-bar space that was common to all verses but couldn't settle on one. The alternate title is "Is loving here worth that?" however I'd be foolish to dispense with a phrase everyone knows - particularly when it's singable. I wanted to put an a ccappella chorus after v 3 supported by handclaps followed by a full band chorus to close, but I wanted to be under the 4 minute limit.

I'm really interested in trying to find that 2-bar inst. hook - guitar or harmonica. The 2-bar in the chorus I'll keep. You listened five times! But you're happily married aren't you????

Mario - got a 2-bar hook up your sleeve - dare I say "thumbs up".

Danny - think this would work with a singalong group?

Thanks for the kind comments and thoughtful comments.


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