Thanks Jim and Larry for your input,

Using the example from Larry's post, let's say I select the _MDDYAMP style which has the Amplitube VST on Guitar 3 using a preset called "Falling Balloon". In my default installation if I selected this style in the Stylepicker and clicked OK, BIAB would throw a yellow box up indicating it could not find the preset in folder "C:\bb\dx settings". BIAB 2018 installer installed the ".tgs" group settings presets in a subfolder of "C:\bb\dx settings" named "Amplitube". If I copy all of the presets in this Amplitube folder up to the parent folder "C:\bb\dx settings" where BIAB is looking, it finds the presets and doesn't produce the error message - but that is a workaround, not how it is supposed to work.

The other issue I have is that BIAB installation did not load ".at3p" preset files as it has in past versions. These are native Amplitube presets for all of the BIAB presets. This allows access to the BIAB presets if I run Amplitube in standalone mode as opposed to running it as a VST plugin within BIAB. Larry indicates that he has "at3p" files which tells me I may not have installed everything correctly. I have found the ".at3p" preset files on a backup from a previous BIAB version and copied them to the correct folder, but it doesn't include the new presets included in BIAB 2018. Are the ".at3p" preset files for the new BIAB 2018 presets included in the 2018 installation?
