First post of your song and everyone agree's is a 10! Had you waited for one more posting it could have gone to 11. wink

Seriously Steve, great job! I think you're like me in that you have SO much going on, that it can make it hard to really work on a full song. Getting it to the point of posting, it's probably not going to happen. To date, I've managed to pull it off twice. So, I get it.

I really like you version for many reasons. When you originally posted you were thinking of doing a rock version, I was excited. That we both ended the song with a tape/record stop effect is pretty crazy.

I'm with FJ that the range of the song actually does fit with the genre. Had it been higher, it may have actually been too "pretty." That added grunge in your vocal tone may have worked to your advantage!

Anyway, I'm rambling. I'm just excited you participated, that this was your first song on here, and you did such a great job. Be proud of all of these! Well done!

On a side note, you are a drummer? I remembering that wrong? If you are, you did a GREAT job with the drums. If you're not, you did an AMAZING job with the drums. wink

Last edited by HearToLearn; 01/27/18 04:00 AM.

Chad (Hope that makes it easier)

TEMPO TANTRUM: What a lead singer has when they can't stay in time.