Mr. Joad...

Hmmm, let's see...Your last name is "Joad", the image attached to your song is a road, and you're "Running Away From Love". Interesting, seemingly vaguely related lines of information that somehow converge neatly into the junction of music and emotion that illuminates the soul of your song...

Musically speaking, I was enthralled by the shimmering aural sheen of the rhythmic acoustic guitars, the steady path the drums clear for the accompaniment of the other instruments, and the rising/falling, wave-like feel of your chord structure.

Vocally, your plaintive delivery of the lyrics understates the despair they seem to describe. Then again, there's a feeling of relief in your heart's confession.

This is a moody, somber listening experience made even more compelling by the tight, ear-entrancing quality of its production.



"Music is what feelings sound like."-- borrowed from a Cakewalk Music Creator forum member, "Mamabear".