I fall somewhere in the middle of this discussion. On one hand - I think lyrics are important, and can absolutely transform the way a song hits you. When a song has lyrics that you resonate with, it is a beautiful thing. That being said, different genres of music to me hold different levels of importance when it comes to lyrics.

I listen to a lot of hip hop and rap, which is a very poetic genre of music (I know a lot of forum members don't listen to this type of music, but there is much more to it than arrogance and cussing). Oftentimes, impactful lyrics with precise delivery can make or break a song in this genre. On the other hand, when I'm listening to classic soul music from the 70's I literally don't give a single thought to what is being said. It just doesn't matter to me, because the mood and emotion from that genre comes from the instruments themselves.

At the end of the day, I generally consider myself a lyrics guy - but I definitely listen to my share of music where the lyrics are either average or irrelevant. There is a time and place for it, in my honest opinion.

Last edited by Deryk - PG Music; 02/11/18 12:38 PM.
