Originally Posted By: floyd jane
The chorus is excellent! Great sound. Nice vocals. Really nice orchestration...


Drums sound good, too...

Hah! I was thinking about you when I put together the initial track. I have all these lovely EZDrum sounds, and figured that I should make use of them. Not that BiaB drums are bad... I just needed to justify spending all that money on other things. wink

Well done. There is something about this that brings to mind songs from the AM radio top 10 - late 60's maybe?

Thanks! I'm a sucker for that 70's overly-produced sound. As I added in the french horns, the lyric from Rupert Holmes' "Studio Musician" came to mind:

I am the strings that enter softly
Or three guitars that glitter gold
I am the thousand trumpet lines
That were an afterthought
Intended as a way to get a dying record sold

Thanks for listening!

-- David Cuny
My virtual singer development blog

Vocal control, you say. Never heard of it. Is that some kind of ProTools thing?