Many years ago, I was a TAXI member and attended the road rally in LA. Back then, in 09 I think.... they were talking in ALL the writing seminars that hit songs are collaborative efforts rather than solo efforts unless you happen to be a songwriter with a mighty fine track record and a string of hits already.

Even then... the artists often demand writing credit even if they haven't written a single word or note. The number of CD projects being released are dwindling and therefore the number of slots available as well. It's a coveted thing to get a shot at the CD so..... the artist knows this and tells the writer.... I want a cut of the songwriting credit....and money. The writer has a choice.... 100% of nothing or a lesser percentage of a possible hit song on the radio, at least getting a percentage of the sales.

All that aside.... a collab is often a much better song than one that is a solo writer's effort. And with the bar being so freaking high in all genres these days, it's almost a given that you're not going to place a pop song that's a solo write unless you are the artist and you have CLOUT.

That's how I see it, which is why I write for fun, the stuff I post here, and place the rest into music libraries for film and TV...... and even that's getting tighter.

You can find my music at:
Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.