Somebody wrote a batch file for this and I think even compiled it into a executable. Perhaps PG can supply that compiled program to reset. If not, it's is an extremely simple batch file to write.

Open a text editor.

Type in

cd c:\ (brings you to the root of C)
cd c:\realband (takes you to the real band directory)
del rb.cfg /f (deletes rb.cfg)
del realband.ini /f (deletes realband.ini)

save it as rbreset.bat (or whatever you want to name it) and put it on the desktop so it is always visible.

The /f attribute forces deletion of read only files, just in case the cfg is read only. I don't know if it is or not. If it is not, that switch can be omitted.

That's really all there is to it. For me it's just as simple to go through Windows Explorer, but for some maybe not so simple.

I am using the new 1040XTRAEZ form this year. It has just 2 lines.

1. How much did you make in 2023?
2. Send it to us.