Originally Posted By: Charlie Fogle
Sometimes the stars align perfectly in the sky over the Pier called Mallory Square. The right day, the right beer and the right group of friends. Magic happens.

For those stars to be the BIAB Forum superstars, B&J, Tom and Floyd and on their BIRTHDAY to boot ---

Nothing else could come of such a happening except the perfect song to commemorate it.

Excellent job and enjoyable song to listen to this morning.

Happy Birthday to you guys and thanks for sharing it with us in song....

Charlie, thanks for your kind remarks and continued support. We consider it a privilege and a pleasure to work with these guys.


Originally Posted By: Greg Johnson
What a gem!!! Too bad Buffett doesn't do many covers.....this is PERFECT for him! Love the clever use of Pier Pressure. Everything in this song could not be done any better!!!

my Facebook friends with their latest trends
tend to bring me down
I don’t wanna text what happens next
my every mis-step making the rounds
If they want to give their opinion
i’ll tell them where to go
I won't post what i eat
try not to tweet
and pull my hat down low

AMEN!!!!!! Love it guys!! Happy Birthdays and MARCH FORTH!!!! Take care. Greg

Thanks Greg. It was cool working with Tom and floyd - more like just being along a for a fun ride!