Thanks, that is exactly what I needed. It appears I have to go into what is referred to in the Analog synth as "learn mode"., and assign CC7 to the global channel 0 so all recorded midi track's volumes can be adjusted with the faders on the Realband mixer.

Also, Am I correct in assuming that I should not use the global channel 0 when recording a track? I lost my oboe sound on a track I recorded earlier. I was recording strings on channel 0. Saved the song but then the oboe track was now the string sound that I used recording the other track. The Oboe was originally on channel 7.

Last edited by Rich59; 04/05/18 05:48 AM.

BIAB 2018 latest build, Window 10 Pro 64 bit operating system
X64 based processor
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU ES-2670 @ 2.60GHz
16 Gigs Ram
Tascam 2x2 audio interface. Podxt