Very good question smile My writing process differs between when I'm working on the music and when I'm working on the words. I write all the musical aspects at my house, usually by my lonesome. I'm not a social writer. I need to be alone, in silence, with no distractions.

However, when it comes to lyrics they will come to me seemingly at random, and I'll often jot them into my phone in a notepad app I have. Sometimes I'll be on the bus, sometimes it will be 11PM at night and I'm laying in bed, sometimes it will be when I'm at the grocery store. Often times I'll come up with a line or some key words I want to use. Then, at home when I'm in my own space by my lonesome I'll kind of piece everything together into a cohesive tune.

I don't think my way of doing this is really the norm - that being said, there are definitely things that inspire me. I find much of the content of my songs deals with nostalgia, nature, and certain moods. I draw a lot of inspiration from nostalgia, anger, and sadness. I find entropy, consciousness, and remoteness fascinating. A lot of memories from my past wiggle their way into my songwriting as well.

I'm excited to hear about some other people's writing processes and what inspires them smile

Last edited by Deryk - PG Music; 04/05/18 04:06 AM.
