I wouldn't characterize the above dialogue as negative but rather as a frank exchange of views about the serious work yet to be done to bring the BiaB Mac version up the point where it meets the standards set by most other OSX programs. As a guy who has also used both platforms I can't imagine why Mac would compare a PC to a Apple machine in terms of quality or software integration. Different strokes I guess but I think whatever the difference BiaB has a ways to go on the Mac platform to where the company should be charging serious money for what they present as their latest upgrade. I hope they consider a rigorous facelift so that when I ask the software guys I've queried in the last few weeks to look at the next update they won't hold their noses again.

Now with that out of the way I need to start trying to find a way to figure the present version out. After extensive underlining my manual now looks like a map of the NYC subway system. Intuitive a nice sounding adjective when applied to computers, doncha think?