Originally Posted By: Janice & Bud
I (Bud) write the lyrics with some semblance of meter smile often running lines by Janice to ask if they “work” and are as she says “singable.” I then give them to her with suggestions of genre/groove and only occasionally with specific chord suggestions.

Many lines, hooks, etc, come when mountain biking or hiking.

She then sits with her guitar and does her magic. smile She will tweak the lyric to fit her phrasing ideas, etc.

The only exception is a 12 or 8 bar blues for which I’ll create the chord structure (which is typically formulaic for that genre) and then she will just riff my lyric (a bit like an instrumental solo).


I am curious to know what "singable" means to Janice. Though that may be why you put it in quotations. wink It sounds like you guys have a true partnership when it comes to writing songs. That's a rare quality. Often times, from my personal experience, writing tends to be fairly personal -- especially when it's more emotion based and less technical -- so writing projects as a collaboration can lead to some tensions. Sounds like that's not an issue here!

You guys seem to really compliment each other, and it sounds like you guys really know what works for you both

Thanks for sharing. smile
