Originally Posted By: Teunis
Check the video regarding "punch in hands free" at https://m.youtube.com/watch?ebc=ANyPxKr9fyDj52AP6UKU5OGZBy4Yj6vs-pPvcgOgjB9lXrcZC9FE_dij4aQJ0hsX6ZM8YoqJeZ2Efgu3A6LWlwRSP1VixD4afA&time_continue=2&v=I1Il-LhyMs8. another Kenny Gioia video that shows how to loop a section, record in a portion, and continue with the loop. You can do it in takes or go over the same part. For practice where you are not interested in getting the best part you can go over the part. If you really want something to keep then use takes and comping which allows you to cut or keep what you want. This will work with audio or midi. Kenny shows how.

Thanks again! Just checked out this video and it's so interesting - yes - all the features I need are there. I'm going to have a closer look at the weekend.


Yamaha Arias YDP-163 Piano, Focusrite Scarlett 6i6 mk2,
PC: i7-3770, 8GB Ram
Software: Band-in-a-Box Pro 2018(v508), Transcribe 8.6 , Reaper 5.7