Originally Posted By: floyd jane

that was a most interesting listen.

An "artsy" song and recording. Could have come out of San Francisco in the early 70's... Miriam has a vocal similar to early Joni Mitchell (For The Roses era).

The stream-of-consciousness lyric occasionally lost me, but the music never did...


Thanks fj,
I was quite influenced by a Tolkien short story when I wrote the lyrics, (in about 77). It's an almost unknown but significant story called Leaf by Niggle. It's about social/community obligation.
Yes, Miriam does have a Roses quality. I don't know if she plays or sings currently as she's busy with two youngsters. Sadly the chap who made the mic, Naiant, no longer ships outside continental North America.
Thanks for your generous words.

"What's so funny about peace, love & understanding?" - N.Lowe