Originally Posted By: parkgate
'Band in a Box is so easy to use' no it isn't - there is nothing easy about Band in a Box...

Knowing how to do isn't always obvious or intuitive. But once you know how to do something, it's generally pretty easy.

For example, I've used a number of different tools, and I find BiaB's chord entry method the easiest. For the most part, simple things are easy to do... if you know how.

If you don't know how... BiaB can be maddeningly frustrating. I've been stuck for hours on various features - typically late at night - knowing that there was probably some way to fix the problem, but clueless where that option might be hidden in the byzantine interface.

I always give up eventually, and I am not a stupid person and I don't give up easily..

Nor should you. PGMusic staff and forum users generally provide excellent support. If all else fails, ask for help.

-- David Cuny
My virtual singer development blog

Vocal control, you say. Never heard of it. Is that some kind of ProTools thing?