Originally Posted By: Janice & Bud
I was 20 in 1966 - with a college deferment, and one for grad school later and then afterwards I drew a very "safe" number in the draft lottery. My best friend had already been killed in Cambodia. This song reminds me of my many conflicts of the time. Some wanted to go and went. Others didn't want to go but had no choice. Others had deferments. It seemed then and now so unfair to the extent that I harbored guilt over my deferments. Growing up with many family members who served from WWII to Vietnam I will always honor their's and all veterans' service.

Pardon this...I know it's not about me but this song is so very powerful and it elicited those emotions. And isn't that the hallmark of a great song? And this is indeed such a song with all of the fj stamps of goodness.

Tom so well stated the feelings of the time. I can't add to that.

Thanks for sharing this.

Bud (Janice was 9 in 1966 smile )

It has been good to hear everyone's story from that period of our history - from each perspective... thanks for giving me a first read on this, too...

Originally Posted By: Phil Leith
Well, if Floyd did it, it's worth a listen :-)

Sad episode ... you're probably right, though. Most people did not feel that way about our soldiers. Just a very, very vocal minority, stirred up by political agitators and re-enforced by news anchors misrepresenting what the majority of our soldiers were like. When the talking heads say things every night, people get the idea that's what everybody thinks, and there's a natural peer pressure to buy into it. Sucks. And pisses me off, too.

Good song.

Thanks for having a listen, Phil...

Originally Posted By: Planobilly
To Buds comment

"It seemed then and now so unfair to the extent that I harbored guilt over my deferments."

Some of us stayed for several tours just so others did not have to go. We were happy to do that.

I am very glad you did not have to go there. We needed good people like you at home just as much as we needed people there.



Again, we thank you, Billy...

Originally Posted By: 90 dB

I hesitate to comment because it will require you to bump the thread to get your 15 minutes of fame, but here goes.

I like the song. A dark period in our history for sure. Well done.



Bob - thanks for stopping by for a listen....