I was just explaining how I (with bass in hand) might have 'seen' it and played it with the described chords.
I would think in my head the sequence would be C (second string) then E (open low E) then closest D is up a string .. etc.

It may also depend on the style chosen as they all are different, like mentioned above by Jim ..
My next go-to attempt would be to redefine the chords to see if an alternate voicing can get my 'desired' result as opposed to the 'expected' result using the added options in RB.

The cool thing in RB is the ability to make these kind of changes, generate a given track and then revert back to a different RT/chord progression later for other tracks. In BiaB you are asking all tracks to abide by the new chords, which may affect some tracks inadvertently.
In RB the new chords can apply to only a given track when generating a new option ..

Make your sound your own!
.. I do not work here, but the benefits are still awesome