You couldn’t have stated that any better Noel! It would appear that PG Music has decided to please the few that have a problem with way the forum was working. I am also one who has spent a considerable amount of time building the tracks I post and have been very careful to give the company credit for their part of the work. The new format will now no longer reward us for the hard work put into our material. I also agree that it will be harder to keep up with posts I want to comment on and many visitors to the site will not have desire to scroll through pages of posts to find what they are looking for. The best way I can put this is that the new way rewards quantity over quality. I could put multiple songs a week up on the Showcase if I wanted to but the work would not have good quality and I won’t do that. The old way made the site a much more interesting place to be for me as I would visit often. I will no longer do this. I have purposely included many Real Tracks in my work that I could have used better sounding alternatives for because I felt I owed PG Music something for the stage I have presented my work on. This will probably no longer happen. I could be wrong but I would say that you will most likely see a dramatic drop off of interest in the forum by long time contributors who have helped make the User Showcase what it has become. Thanks Noel for the link you provided for the Just Plain Folks site. I will be sure to check that out to keep up with your material! Thanks, Torrey

Last edited by Torrey Bliss; 05/23/18 01:27 AM.