I would say swearing definitely isn't necessary for a number 1 hit. There are tons of hit songs these days without any swearing. As someone who personally listens to music with swearing in it, I think it's just become a lot more casual in modern music. It isn't taboo like it used to be. I'll find I can listen to a song where they say the 'F' word 10 times and I won't bat an eyelash since I'm so used to it and desensitized to it. I don't consider it a bad trait and honestly pay no mind to it.

I also agree with what Ember said in regards to modern music being almost a fad. Number 1 hit songs come and go so quickly these days. Me and Ember are the same age as well, and she's telling the truth when she says most people in our generation don't care for top 40 stuff. I've always wondered who exactly all this washed down top 40 music is appealing to, as I've actually never met someone my own age who is a fan of it.

Last edited by Deryk - PG Music; 06/05/18 03:00 AM.
