Originally Posted By: rsdean
Janice, Bud & Peter,

Every once in a while a song comes along and I think, man, I wish I had written that - this is one of those times...

This song is an absolute gem from start to finish. Janice has laid down an incredibly sensitive, strong and moving vocal - none better! The write, production and arrangement is beautifully nuanced and pro all the way. It also sounds like it was recorded / produced in a high end studio.

And finally, Peter's guitar playing should be turned into Real Tracks...

Outstanding from every angle!


Bob, we have both been positively influenced by your fine Americana writes and productions...to the extent that I really wanted to "steal" your signature band for this production. But I resisted temptation smile Given how much we have enjoyed your writing over the years your comments are very meaningful and supportive for us. We do appreciate it! And, ditto, regarding your comment about the guitar.