
>>> Yes that was my question as well. I'm not certain but it appears that many of the existing 2009.5 realtracks etc have been replaced with new ones (although this is not evident from the write ups) as opposed to additional files only.
In my case I already having the "the Lot" in 2009.5. So I have updated with the UltraPluspak at $139 on a 160GB disc which should update and add to my existing system files. (I hope!).

Yes, the UltraPlusPak is ideal in this situation. All of the new realTracks are *additional*, and don't replace the existing ones.

Many thanks Peter. Those new piano styles are wonderful, and I notice a little injection of one of the four lads from Liverpool styles as well! Great. This will go very nicely with the FF package including the B&B and RB "plug-in" option and my copy of Sonar 8.
Those smooth jazz tracks are also simply outstanding.
Looking forward to receiving my disc. Best wishes for the season to you and staff.

Re F