You stated that people are making money because of the "N" word.
The chap who used it 128 times in his song made it to number 19 on the billboard charts. I am saying that a lot of music today relies on gimmicks and machines. The vocals many times are doctored to the max. Most songs have a hook. And with a lot of today's music the hook is the profanity. The hook and the current popularity of a particular style of music brings in the money. I am not advocating any thing for anyone here. I am just discussing songwriting. I dig for bits of knowledge. I am already a songwriter. I am looking to write a hit.
And It seems that writing a hit theses days relies on using a lot of profanity from time to time. And I find the "N" word extremely offensive. And using motherf'n in front of it really offensive.
And using those words for the hook in a song as a song writer seems to me a type of desperation. You say that the "N" word is never to be used by white people but it is white kids who are listening to the word and it is white kids buying the songs. If you don't want a particular race using it then don't sell it to them. Kids learn from adults. I believe myself that no one should use the word. But In this country we are free to sing whatever we want.
As far as Biab being a machine yes it is but so far it has been using real humans behind the music in its real tracks. We use those real tracks much like an artist uses session musicians to play behind their song.
When a time comes and Band in the Box does it all, it would be different. PG Music gives many people the session musicians they would normally not be able to afford and also supplies tools for those who can afford session musicians.
Video came along and changed music forever. Music used to be made to be heard. But now music is moving more to be seen. Instead of being something a bunch of hillbillies are making in some Ozark mountain pass, it is now being made on computers.
Some people write songs for fun. Some people write songs for other people to have fun. Many people write songs to make money.
The key is to be able to have fun and make money at the same time.
Although all of us in these forums are song writers and we are here to help other song writers, we are also in a way in a competition. That is to see who can create the best song ever and who can make the most money. BiaB brought us together.
We are like a family. A family of songwriters who use band in the box. I wonder if there is a BiaB festival where BiaB users gather and like jam all day long.
