Scott, Deryk, J&B..thanks for the comments and I sure appreciate you listening.

Regarding the production...I'm sure I started by just sitting down at my cheapo midi keyboard and set it up with a Rhodes-type vsti to see what kind of sound I could get, then just started playing that initial chord vamp. Then, like I usually do, I went into the chord screen of RB and started laying out some chord sequences that I thought might be interesting. Once having done that, I created the melody line. While I was doing that, somehow the 'word' "betweening" just popped into my mind--even tho it's not a real word. Well, that just grew into a song about how society always seems to be saying they are going to 'become' something, but always seems to wind up stuck in the in-between place, from where they started towards where they want to go. I found the RT solo's pretty much as is, altho I might have used the "multi-riff" function to pick out 1- or 2-bar phrases that I liked. With the vocal, I usually record it once, then have to refine individual parts to get it sounding like it's on-key; then I copy the vocal track and paste it into another track, usually 3 ticks later, to get some dimension to it. I use Necter to choose some type of vocal effect that sounds nice.
That's my story!