Originally Posted By: Scott C
Cool jam. Nice listen and loved the assortment of real tracks

Thanks Scott, at the 32 seconds mark of this song, my piano parts ways with BIAB... Not sure for a solution... I am still exploring Key modulation on the fly.

I think my chord mapping is probably still missing a counterpoint component...

Species counterpoint is a method used for centuries to teach students how to compose the sort of counterpoint found in the works of Palestrina. ... For each stage the student is asked to write a different species (or type) of contrapuntral line to go with a given melody in semibreves called the cantus firmus.

I have tried to avoid this; I need to better prepare key change targeting for improvisation. It would have sounded better replacing my piano with a BIAB pano as the final piano track... no doubt! If I can write music progressions on the fly and BIAB can make it sound better! I am happy