The computer is running Win 10, 64 bit.

Directory path is Local Drive C:\Program Files\Steinberg\VSTPlugins\Red 2 EQ.dll


To be honest, I am so frustrated with this thing that I don't remember what I did with Red.

However, I also have the free version of Cakewalk which has Studio Instruments. I saw a video about the SI-Bass and decided I could really use that. I tried to install it on a track by going to the VST button. No luck. It says no such file exists.

At this point, I am giving up on doing anything else complicated until I can get some help. I have looked at the BB and RB tutorials. I appreciate them but they are not getting me anywhere. I can't drag the .dll files in. I can't get anything to work. People post about this great plugin and that one. I just sit there and think I would like to have it but I have no hope of being able to use it.

I will gladly pay someone to teach me how to work with VSTs and to get them to work in BB/RB. Without that, it is just too frustrating to try.

As always, thanks for the help. You folks are great people.


i5-3210 laptop. Win 10 Home. 2.5ghz, 64 bit. 6gb RAM. Focusrite Scarlet 2i2.