Dave, nice!
Thank you!

I had a feeling that you used Vocal Rider. I had it on previous computer, but could not re-activate on new one. Have to call them today. If I remember correctly, the beauty of this plugin is that it just rides the volume slider, without cutting dynamics.

Looks like our setup for vocal is very alike. I have Neutron 2 + Nectar that I use.
I am glad you mentioned use of ALT in Neutron. I was mousing and clicking all over yesterday trying to figure out how to do that smile

Final question about Neutron please. I know it has to be on Master bus... As I understand, you can hear(see) the whole mix tonal balance, but you can change EQ from the plugin only if you have an instance of Neutron in FX on the specific track.

The reason why I am asking is that I also have Nectar VST (Also Izotope) that I use
on vocals and just do not want to "over" EQ the track. So the question is, if I use Neutron EQ in tonal control, I should bypass Nectar EQ?

Thank you,