Originally Posted By: Rustyspoon#

P.S. You know... When I let my wife or friends listen to my new tune I say.. tell me what you do not like about it. That's what friends are for, to give honest opinion if asked for one. I know I am a crappy musician, but for a part time hobbyist, I am ok. I love it!... Lucky for me, I do not get hurt very easily and take critique very well. I believe when it is honest, it is the only thing that could make one better, trying to re-evaluate & re-imagine things constantly.

friends and relatives are generally not good for honest opinions. they often don't know how to properly access the deficiencies with a mix or the songwriting. They will tell you a song is good regardless of how badly it is written and recorded. They don't want to hurt your feelings.... many of the folks here are able to let you know from a writer and recording POV.

You can find my music at:
Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.