Originally Posted By: 90 dB
I suppose these were all prescribed by a mental health professional, right? grin
There's no question he died of a self-inflicted drug overdose.

But it seemed that you were saying his depression was caused by the drugs.

He had severe mental health issues before the drug abuse. Based on what he said in interviews, it seems that his underlying condition of mental illness was worsening, and likely driving the drug abuse.

Originally Posted By: 90 dB
At least he would still be alive.

Incarcerating people for mental illness isn't anything close to a cure.

Even 50 years ago, they'd only be able to hold him for a limited time, and then he'd be back on the street. A week, a month, a year... Sometimes there's not much you can do except watch helplessly as someone self-destructs.

Truthfully, I wasn't impressed by the music or the video. Listening to emo hip hop isn't something that's on my To-Do list.

But the more I read about him, the more I was impressed by what he accomplished, despite the tragic ending.

Thanks for posting it!

-- David Cuny
My virtual singer development blog

Vocal control, you say. Never heard of it. Is that some kind of ProTools thing?