I used to use RB all the time but there were just too many crashes so I went to Reaper and no problems.
This is RB midi in set to Keyboard USB, the midi is going to track 1 that has IL MiniHost, and it has EZKeys, RealGuitar and 2 instances of the same Sforzando.dll with different instruments.
EDIT: and have RB set to ASIO and Always On.
Drag the flow arrows up/down for volume.
You can put a key range plugin to split the keyboard
and play one instrument on one octave and another on another octave.

Attached Files (Click to download or enlarge) (Only available when you are logged in)
RB-Crash-436.png (95.21 KB, 110 downloads)
RB-Crash-437.png (104.31 KB, 360 downloads)
RB-Crash-438.png (72.2 KB, 342 downloads)
Last edited by Pipeline; 11/08/18 01:35 PM.