Originally Posted By: Janice & Bud
We could listen over and over to an album of you singing songs from this era.

It's hard to accept that the wonderful songs coming out of Nashville during this time are considered "old school" -- which begs the question of what do the pundits consider the different country styles from the late 40's to the 80's. We've listened extensively to all of it (Bud lived through most of it smile ) but this song represents a spectacular period of that spectrum that you well described in this post. And your involvement in this N'ville period certainly gives you a special perspective.

The song has been posted but two days and already folks have offered all the superlatives and great insight. Dittos to all that's been said and we'd like to add that the mix/mastering simply sparkles. We've listened on several sound systems and the arrangement and mix capture that period equally as well as the great write and vocals. It would be impossible to imagine anything could be added or removed.

Keepin' it alive mr jane!


It was an amazing era. Thanks for the fine review...