Denialville? Really?

Why do you keep denying us the details of your crashes so we can see for ourselves? I keep asking and you keep avoiding the question. All you do is post jokes. I think that's called deflection.

Am I a satisfied customer? Yes within the parameters of RB doing what the documentation says it can do. Is that enough for you, obviously not and that's totally cool btw. I have no problem with that, all I'm saying is RB works as advertised and PG advertises that it works well with VST's for example which it does.

I have a problem when you're saying to a nooby, forget RB it's crap. Name another DAW that can work with all the thousands of RT/RD's and generate multiple comp tracks of various instruments in the same song. Name me a DAW that has a chord grid that allows you to generate multiple RT's at a time by the bar, by the phrase, by a whole song, AND THEN if that's not enough you can load styles and do it all again! Then change the chord grid and generate more new tracks in the same song just to hear what some chord subs sound like. At each generation you can change the RT's so you can have up to 48 tracks of completely different RT's. Who does that? NOBODY.

And don't talk about Rapid Composer or the new Studio One Chord Track. Those are useful but they are not even on the same planet as what RB can do with Real Tracks. Handling styles and RT/RD's has absolutely nothing to do with traditional DAW functions, all of that is unique to RB yet RB has pretty decent DAW functions including midi and working with VST's in addition to all that. If you're looking at it as a DAW only then sure there are gazillions of other DAW's out there but none can do what RB does.


Biab/RB latest build, Win 11 Pro, Ryzen 5 5600 G, 512 Gig SSD, 16 Gigs Ram, Steinberg UR22 MkII, Roland Sonic Cell, Kurzweil PC3, Hammond SK1, Korg PA3XPro, Garritan JABB, Hypercanvas, Sampletank 3, more.