Dear "Rustyspoon#"...

I think that only a person truly committed to real change could even attempt to employ "the arts", in this case, composing music, to affect that change. It also takes compassion and certain amount of fearlessness. In your song, "Put Away That Fire", the combination of those traits has produced what some would call an "anthem".

"The Free Dictionary" on the Web defines that word as "a popular song, especially a rock song felt to sum up the attitudes or feelings associated with a period or social group". All this is just to say, "Rustyspoon#", that you are following in the footsteps of artists such as Joan Baez, John Lennon, Bob Dylan, Pete Seeger, Holly Near, and others songwriter/performers who, fed-up with senseless killing, irrational hatred and unnecessary human suffering in general, acted on their stirred-up, tortured conscience to persuade a long-troubled world to try to think about seeing things their way.

Your emotional investment in what you describe as "pacifism" is in your urgent voice as much as it is in your unsparing lyrics. The music as realized through your RealTrack picks is folksy and full-bodied, with the flute phrases rising above all like the proverbial dove with an olive branch in its beak.

It's been a pleasure to look into your heart, "Rustyspoon#!!! I like what I discovered there.


"Music is what feelings sound like."-- borrowed from a Cakewalk Music Creator forum member, "Mamabear".