Dave Man,

This is a great. I have noticed that over the years, I would say the last 2 in particular, the "core group" of posters--who have been so kind as to share their musical gifts with us for free--have been improving their songs and increasing their chops at a fairly dizzying rate.

I think it is because everyone has been trying so hard to put their "game face on" that a higher level of passion and enthusiasm for the music has been created.

So, when I listen to a song like this--or any others by any of the forum members--I think I am just listening to the radio, except the people on the radio are people I know, like and work with sometimes.

In that context, I feel that when anyone has created a tune, they have made artistic decisions along the way, and now have submitted their tunes for broadcast, so to speak.

I know a few people waves from the sidelines from time to time to say the showcase should be something else, but I just enjoy it as pure radio from my friends, whether that be you, Josie, Mario, Floyd, Rob and Anne-Marie, Alan...and the list goes on and on and on.

I don't know why that popped into my head but it just did.

Maybe that's why all of my other comments to songs are so short--"Man that was awesome"--that was great, etc. Because that's the way I feel. I have just heard another great one on PG Radio.

This may be the LONGEST post I have ever written on a song.

I really liked the feel of it, and the message and the sincerity behind the performance.

Well, better go listen to some more.
