"Something In The Way She Moves" (James Taylor)

Something in the way she moves, or looks my way, or calls my name
That seems to leave this troubled world behind
And if I'm feeling down and blue or troubled by some foolish game
She always seems to make me change my mind..

And I feel fine anytime she's around me now, she's around me now almost all the time
And if I'm well you can tell she's been with me now
She's been with me now quite a long, long time and I feel fine

Every now and then the things I lean on lose their meaning
And I find myself careening in places where I should not let me go
She has the power to go where no one else can find me and to silently remind me
Of the happiness and the good times that I know, and then I just got to go there.

It isn't what she's got to say but how she thinks and where she's been
To me, the words are nice, the way they sound
I like to hear them best that way, it doesn't much matter what they mean
She says them mostly just to calm me down

And I feel fine anytime she's around me now, she's around me now almost all the time
And if I'm well you can tell she's been with me now
She's been with me now quite a long, long time and I feel fine

This lyric was a comfort to me when I lost my mother at a young age. It's taken on a new meaning now having a wife to whom English is a second language and with whom communication is sometimes a sweet struggle.

<i>It isn't what she's got to say but how she thinks and where she's been
To me, the words are nice, the way they sound
I like to hear them best that way, it doesn't much matter what they mean
She says them mostly just to calm me down</i>

I've also though of my guitar, at times, as the "she" in that lyric.

Like was said earlier, these don't read like epic poetry, but without a wasted syllable, are delivered naturally with grace. That makes a great lyric.

Last edited by Tangmo; 11/23/18 01:12 PM.

BIAB 2021 Audiophile. Windows 10 64bit. Songwriter, lyricist, composer(?) loving all styles. Some pre-BIAB music from Farfetched Tangmo Band's first CD. https://alonetone.com/tangmo/playlists/close-to-the-ground