Originally Posted By: fiddler2007
Antiwar songs are always a difficult job to do, without becoming pedantic.

Dear "fiddler2007"...

I think that maybe, and in general, a songwriter couldn't help but be 'pedantic" in composing a song with anti-war sentiments because there's not much room for being 'artsy' about the massively violent destruction that modern warfare vents upon its victims. War turns everything upside-down. It scorches the earth, it decimates the lives of millions of innocent unborn foetuses, infants, children, women and men, and even worse, it seems to be perpetuated by organizations, institutions and over-zealous individuals in positions of too much power who actually and literally make money out of it.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, don't worry about being 'pedantic'. Speak your mind. Show us your heart. At the worst, you will have to listen to people who may disagree with you, and vehemently, at that. So what? If anything, their caustic reaction to your "message" means that your protest songs hit home, that they stirred-up dissent and made the dissenters think hard enough to respond to you. Well, isn't that what your intention would be in writing protest songs? To get people to listen to you by beating your drums so loudly that they feel the need to beat their drums loudly, too?

Last I heard, that's what happens in a democracy where everyone (kinda-sorta) is free to speak their mind.

Hmmm...I guess what I wrote could be considered a "rant". Sorry about that! Oh, and, by-the-way, I believe that "Across the Sea" is the first reggae-style song that I've heard in the User's Forum. That off-beat Afro-Indian rhythm carries the memory of Bob Marley, who was quite a hell-raiser for justice, equality and peace, himself, so, you're in great company!



"Music is what feelings sound like."-- borrowed from a Cakewalk Music Creator forum member, "Mamabear".