Originally Posted By: HearToLearn
...There is just much you do right, AND so well. I mean, the vocals, the organ, of course the guitar (I swear it's saying something, I love that), the groove...it's not where do you start commenting, it's where do you end. It would be a novel.

Anyway, always great music from you. Awesome job.

Caaron said that nicely. I agree with it all....

The write here is really well done. It flows. Naturally. Nothing "forced"...

Chris' vocal sounds just as natural as the lyric. One of her best ever (though they are all so good...).

Dave - you get those organs sounding SO dang good!!! (Not an easy thing). How are you processing them???

Your guitar works is exceptional. Love that tone! You make that thing SING.

(You can stop tweaking. It sounds GREAT!)

A wonderful way to spend 4 minutes and 22 second. Think I'll go do it agian. And again!!

