Welcome to the forums!

Firstly, the red line means that there are some bar settings present. These settings are accessed by right-clicking on the bar involved and selecting "Bar Settings" from the menu that pops up. The shortcut key is F5.

To access a summary of the different bar settings that are present within a chord sheet...

1. go into "Bar Settings" (F5)

2. select "Print summary" (as shown on the top image below)

From the sounds of things, and I'm only guessing this from what you've written above so I might be wrong, it seems that you have tried to set the time signature of your song using bar settings. While this is possible, bar settings is for use within the song and not for setting the overall time signature.

If the song you are working on is in 3/4, go into Stylepicker and select a Waltz Style... this sets up BIAB to play in 3/4. (See the bottom image below that shows how to isolate waltz styles.)

There are also some good videos that will help explain setting up a song at the following link...



Attached Files (Click to download or enlarge) (Only available when you are logged in)
summary of bar settings.jpg (225.73 KB, 89 downloads)
waltz style - selecting.JPG (74.99 KB, 88 downloads)

Audiophile BIAB 2024