))) Why does the rendering take a lot longer in the DAW's and why is it faster in the BIAB standalone. Some are saying because BIAB 2019 is not true native 64 bit. I for one as many do-- appreciate fast render times and being able to quickly stay in the creative zone and not have excessive render times.

This would and does have nothing to do with 32 vs 64 bit. The render “speed champion” is actually RealBand.exe which remains a 32 bit app. The reason it’s faster than the plugin is that it processes the wav less (doesn’t add reverb, panning etc.)

We plan to speed up rendering in the plugin and get it as fast as realband for example, which is also faster than the main bbw.exe program. But none of that changes at all in 32 vs 64 bit. Please point people to that thread you were reading to this post or just give me the link for that post.

)) I for one as many do-- appreciate fast render times and being able to quickly stay in the creative zone and not have excessive render times.

Me too! Stay tuned for updates with faster render times (less wav processing). We will preserve an option to render with the full wav processing for those who want that.

Have Fun!
Peter Gannon
PG Music Inc.